In partnership with

Competiton 2019-2020

About the Competition

The 2019/2020 CJN student competition results are finally here. The competition was organized for the fifth time and has a tradition in our Centropa Jewish Network project. This year’s specialty was the art project, in which we received some wonderful works from students, not to mention the beautiful short films the participants have created. We are proud to say that even in these challenges times, we received 40 student projects from 6 countries. 

We are truly grateful for all the teachers and students for taking part in this project and for investing their time and energy into these works! We would like to specially thank to our jury for evaluating the films.

To watch all the students work, please visit the Centropa Border Jumping website.

Here are the results:

Virtual Jewish Cookbook Category

Runner Ups


Family History Category

Honorary mention

Runner Ups



My Community Category

Honorary mention

Runner Ups


Art Project

Runner Up


Congratulations to everyone, hope to see your amazing works next year!


Number of Student Projects

Number of Students

Number of Countries

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