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CJN seminar in Berlin (2015)

Between the 14th and 16th of March, 2015, 35 educators from 17 countries attended our third annual winter seminar for European Jewish schools in Berlin, Germany. During these two intensive days the participants worked together on cross-border projects, exchanged ideas and best practices, created lesson plans based on Centropa films and other materials, and also brainstormed on how to strengthen European Jewish identity by connceting Jewish students. With this program we made yet another big step in strengthening the Centropa Jewish Network (CJN), a unique platform for educators in European Jewish institutions.

Click here to see photos of the seminar.

This seminar was held in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Polinger Foundation, the American Joint Distribution Committee, the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, as well as the Jewish Museum in Berlin.

Start Date

End Date


Number of Participants

Number of Countries