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CJN seminar in Krakow (2017)

Between 29-31 October, 2017, we organized our 6th professional development seminar for teachers in European and Israeli Jewish Schools in Krakow. 26 educators from 15 countries and 17 schools came together to discover Jewish Krakow, learn about Centropa resources, and share experiences and ideas with each other.

During this seminar, we introduced a new method in education, which we previously tested at the Centropa Summer Academy. The method is an online, real-time quiz game, which can be played with various age groups and numbers of people depending on the topic. For the CJN seminar, we created a quiz about the Polish and Ashkenazi Jewry, and used to share it with the teachers. The main advantage of the game is that it can be played real time, and the questions, the correct answers, as well as the scores of teams appear immediately on a screen.

In 2018 Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary of independence. That is why during the seminar we encouraged teachers to come up with cross-border project ideas connected to Yom Ha’atzmaut. Through this topic and anniversary Jewish schools can connect from all over the world. After the brainstorming session, each group presented their ideas and received feedback. Many great project ideas were born, and we hope to see them happen in the school year.

We thank all the teachers for participating, and our wonderful partner, the Galicia Jewish Museum for granting us a seminar venue.


Start Date

End Date


Number of Participants

Number of Countries