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CJN seminar in Warsaw (2022)

Thanks for all the teachers who joined us for our 3-day professional development seminar in Warsaw, Poland between 6-8 November, 2022. During the seminar, 21 educators from 10 countries came together to get to know Centropa materials, work together on how to bring 20th century Jewish history and personal stories into their classrooms and form partnerships for the future.

Program highlights included:

  • Learning about Centropa’s database of Jewish family stories, photographs, short films, podcasts and resource pack we have developed in cooperation with the National Library of Israel (NLI);
  • Sharing best practices of innovative, technology based pedagogies;
  • Discovering the Jewish history of Warsaw as well as today’s community;
  • Meeting Jewish educators and develop lesson plans and cross-cultural projects together;
  • Becoming the member of a unique community of Jewish educators.

The programme was co-funded by the European Union


Start Date

End Date


Number of Participants

Number of Countries