Propaganda in Theresienstadt (Terezin)

Holocaust and the Nazi regime’s exploitation of propaganda during World War II, Theresienstadt, a concentration camp employed by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes, can be examined as a compelling case study demonstrating how propaganda can be utilized to manipulate public perception.

Unmasking Propaganda

Young students often do not know how to decipher the hidden messages present in the information they receive either through texts or through audio-visual material, and, as a result, they cannot differentiate reality from lies.

CJN seminar in Thessaloniki (2024)

22 teachers from 9 different countries participated in our 13th professional development seminar for Israeli and European Jewish schools, held in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Competition 2022 – 2023

We are happy to announce the 8th CJN student competition results, one of our dearest traditions within the Centropa Jewish Network. This year we announced video, art and photography project categories, and received wonderful works from students.

Sephardic Jewish Life in the Balkans

As the end of the school year approaches, we would like to draw your attention to an exciting webinar that we are organizing in collaboration with the NLI.